all because 2 ppl fell in love..

simple things

Because life gets to hectic and we need to slow down and remember what and who matters most! These two are my JOYs but can also be my pain in the I couldn't imagine my life without them. With my crazy hormonal mood swings I try to fit in a lot of Mommy me time with my girls. Nothing too fancy, it's the simple things that make them happy. We love craft time and baking time so we try and do that at least once if not twice a week and of course movie time on the weekends. We don't go out much these days unless its church or the store but I do try to give these crazy girls the attention they deserve.  

Love my babies!


Hello blog world. Where have I been ummm on Instagram, tango,  fb and

Media has come up with soooo many new ways to be in touch with families that sometimes you just don't blog. I mean pictures and videos tell it all right?
So why am I even on here? I'm up while my house is sound asleep like many other nights but this time I'm tired of reading, searching, googling, fb, Instagram, being nosy, youtubing and etc. After reading scriptures, ensigns, conference talks, newsfeeds and blogs I came on to my blog which by the way needs some serious So here I am blogging. It's funny because I was just talking to my sis Layn about blogging and how I always start and stop and start and probably wouldn't start up again but here I am!

Whats New..
Shlayna Fa'ava Fonua
She is turning 9 this year and I couldn't be more proud of the lil lady she's becoming. I may not give her enough credit because I'm always annoyed and moody but I'm so proud of her. I try not to be the Mom who CONTROLS every situation because I have caught myself a few times. No matter how many times I yell or get angry or frustrated she is still kind, sweet, loving and caring. She's helpful, crafty, witty, funny, goofy and has such a bright personality. She loves to do her hair, wear boots draw, plan activities, play with her lil sister and spend time with family and friends. She reminds me to SLOW DOWN, to be PATIENT, to DISCONNECT and I absolutely ADORE her!

Seiseira Rosie Fonua
She'll be 3 in a month and I can't believe how time can just pass by so fast. It seems like yesterday we brought her home and now she's my lil trouble maker! She is BOSSY, SASSY, BULLY and a lil DIVA. She is HILARIOUS and definitely our COMEDIAN! She loves watching movies, drawing, following her big Sissy around, she loves to be outside and go buhbye no matter where it is. She's still my lil thumb sucker who drags her blanky around. (I know I need to nip that in the butt soon)
She loves to play on our phones and ipads (kids are just way too advanced now a days) She has her own littlest pet shop and tom the thats as close as they'll get to pets..hehehe
Seila is my meat eater and she loves fruits favs. She loves to count, name her colors, days of the week and months in Samoan & Tongan she's no pro yet but she'll get there. She has her 1st AofF down in English and Samoan and it makes me so proud. She's very independent she doesn't want to sit with you and learn she likes to do it on her own which is frustrating for me sometimes. Study time for us is short because she thinks she knows it She is so RANDOM and I call her my SOUR PATCH KID because she can be the SWEETEST but she can also be a BRAT!  I love her lil personality and love that she loves to help and I'm excited that shes old enough now to learn about Christmas and be in the Holiday Spirit. She is sooo fascinated by all the lights and the singing and of course our Christmas tree! I know thats not what Christmas is about but sure do love seeing my girls light up with all the lights!

I know I'm just rambling but I love my girls and I'm excited to have another baby to add to our lil family!
I'm 36 weeks and baby is healthy had an ultrasound done today and before I went in my husband reminded me not to find out what the sex of our baby he also text me It's such a miracle having a baby growing inside of you and such a blessing that I was chosen to be a Mother and a vessel for these sweet sweet spirits to be here on earth and be a part of my ETERNAL FAMILY! What a BLESSING and a HONOR! I am sooo ready to have my baby and meet him or her everyone keeps saying its a BOY but we'll wait and see it's kind of exciting and nerve wrecking at the same Any who doc said we could probably have baby before Christmas so I'm excited either way but a BOY sure would make my husbands Christmas!

Should I?

Sitting here in the living room on my ohh so too comfortable sofa with my legs up rubbing my belly. 35 weeks prego w/baby #3. Baby is very active and has been for the past 3 months. We're having a SURPRISE baby and I'm so EXCITED! My family on the other hand just wants me to find out As I'm sitting here rubbing my tummy I'm thinking of the day I give birth and weather or not I should get an epi. I've had my first 2 without and I had good and bad experience with them. But the truth is I think I'm more scared of the epi then I am childbirth. Crazy right?! Its just in my head I seem to always picture the worst case scenario like I'd be that 1 out of 1000 to have something go super wrong. But on the other had I'd like to have a pain free delivery because Seila was not the worth it but I'd love to experience an Of course my husband thinks I'm some Amazon Princess and that I can handle anything and wants me to not have an Ummm I'll be the one to decide. Reading all the pros and cons of having an epidural doesn't make it any easier either. I'm sure when the time comes I'll know. Just a few more weeks to go before we meet our lil Princess or Prince and I couldn't be any more excited!


So last Sunday my lil Seila started nursery.. Crazy I know.

She is such an active lil girl and so stubborn,  rough, hands on and bossy I was really nervous for the other
Strange thing happened before class though.  During sacrament meeting a lil girl was all up in her face and even tryed to smack her a few times and she just stood there. Anywho took her to our very tiny mothers lounge and a lil boy (same age) walked right up to her and poked her right in the face. Again she just stood there. And yes, these  mothers are apologizing and stopping their kids and what not. But im stunned at Seila who all of a sudden is polite and Is it wrong that I want her to just push them a lil bit? Guilty!! Don't get me wrong Im not the kind of Mom who wants her child beating on everyone, No thats not the case. I just don't want my kids being pushed around or bullied!

Ok back to nursery. As soon as we got in she played with the toys. We then got called to sit and have snacks 1st. My girl sat very patiently while snacks were passed out. She sat nicely and ate her snacks. She really wouldn't have cared or noticed if i left.. sad but I stayed and watched and saw what they did in nursery. After her snack she drank her water and then walked around the table drinking everyone else's They gathered on the floor for a quick lesson and to sing songs. My girl loved singing time and it was nice to sit  back and just watch her. They then moved to the toy room and did puzzles colored and played. She played nicely even though she did snatch up a few She helped clean up and loved it when they brought out the bubbles.  She was so excited she did her happy dance and ran for the bubbles.. Please slow down my lil Seila, Mommy LOVES YOU!!

I know that I need to just step back sometimes and just let them be and I'm working on so the goal is to let her be in there by herself tomorrow. I know she'll be fine its me who will have to fight the urge not to check on her every 

Wish me luck=)..


Hello blogging world so its been a while like 20+ there's this new thing called instagram thats pretty much like blogging (I feel) since they say a picture is worth a thousand words well not only that I can post videos I know excuses..hehehe

We are still in HOT LAS

My Sunshine is now 7 going on 8 in a few more months and shes about to start 2nd grade!! Crazy, right!! I know I should be excited but I'm also sad too. My lil baby girl who's not such a baby anymore is growing way too fast and im going to have to admit its kind of scary!(
                                 My LOVING lil Layna

She is smart loving big hearted sweet sassy girly girl who loves anything pink sparkly or flowery. She loves playing board games card games any kind of game. She loves to sing and dance and pkay with her lil sissy. Sitting still doing nothing is absolutely boring to Shes lucky to have any movie she wants at her finger tips (after reading) that is, thanks to her Dad. She is so kind hearted and wants nothing but the best for anyone she comes in contact with. She loves being with her family especially her Grandparents and cousins she calls brothers and sister. She says she has the best Uncles and Aunties.
Shes my big helper. I mean BIG time. She loves to help with anything I'm doing and I have to admit I'm not always that patient because sometimes I just want it done and I know I have to work on that. She's a constant reminder to me of the pure love of Christ. She's so forgiving, patient, understanding hopeful outgoing and loving. She absolutely love and adores her Daddy they may joke around a lot but she always has his She wished and prayed for a lil sister and shes grateful every day for her miracle funny crazy lil sister. Shes an AMAZING big sister the way she cares for her and there at her every whim if she needs anything,  which I think shes spoiling her a lil toi much. To hear her sister cry makes her sad and she always says she doesn't like for her to be sad. She loves to play with her and make her llol she reads ti her sister makes pbj sandwiches and cereal for her sister. I am truly blessed to have her as my child.
I LOVE YOU SHLAYNA FA'AVA FONUA thank you for choosing me!!

Speaking of lil sister my lil honey chunky bums, Seiseira is 18 months 1 week and 2 days old today and she has been such a JOY since day one. She is so full of energy,  fearless, sweet, happy and so so funny I remember the day she was born I couldn't take my eyes off my miracle blessing I kid you not I didn't sleep for like a week. Which is so crazy because when I was in labor (not as smooth as my 1st child btw) lol but I was just soooo exhausted during labor and juat wanted to but then after I just couldn't and I didn't.  In her baby blessing my wonderful husband gave her, one of the things that ihas stuck with me he said " you will be a joy to everyone and make them laugh" and that she is everyday. She loves to copy her big sister, she  loves her Daddy and lights up every time he enters a room. She is such a dancer and loves to eat and I love that she loves to drink water!! Water yup thats what I She loves to watch movies and she loves her blanky and it is a must to have it with us at all times and anywhere we She ia also the cutest thumb sucker everrrr. I have always been against it due to I have a teeth fetish but she's just too cute and it keeps her calm and happy=)..
                                             My SWEET lil Seila

I absolutely love my girls and would like for time to just freeze so they can stay my perfect lil crazy funny angels. I know I can't shield and pertect them forever and I guess thats what I'm afraid of, my girls getting hurt or someone hurting them. I don't fear that they won't succeed in life, I know they're destined for great things because I can already see it even now as they're young,  I fear this crazy world that my kids will have to face. I know as I cocontinue to keep the FAITH follow in my Savior's foot steps as best I can and know that he will keep my girls safe and that does give me comfort. I'm eternally grateful to my Heavenly Father for my family. Blessed!!

                                                 FONUAs 2013


Aunty Ina is one of the most kind hearted women I know and is living proof that CHARITY never FAILTH. Is she a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints? No! Sad I know, but even NON members always do kind acts of service. Every year she pics a family in need and gives to them and their family so willingly without question or judgement and I absolutly LOVE that about her.

As for me she SPOILS me ALL year long and I'm grateful for all her love and support and help she literally SHOWERS me and my LiL family.

After Thanksgiving weekend my family came down the following weekend to throw me I guess what you can call a lil Baby Shower. 2 of my Dads lil sisters flew in Aunty Ina from Michigan and Aunty Nina from Missouri, Mom, Dad, Ariel, T, Crystal, Dion and Zakee drove down from Cali(missed Seila and her family). It was a weekend I desperatly needed with my family because I missed them sooo much and lets be honest when Moms around everything seems better.

Thur Dec 1st We met up with my Aunty Ina for dinner and hung out @ her Hotel all night till my parents drove in. We laughed and played catch up and we shopped well she did for me.

Friday : We all met up @ my Auntys hotel for brunch it was sooooooo YUMMMMM, then hung out all day till dinner time.

Sat: We met up for breakfast and a SPA DAY w/my Aunties while the boys and the kids stayed @ the appartment. It was so fun and RELAXING even tho there was not much for me to do being prego but just being pampered and tended to was LOVELY. All the ladies got a Sweetish massage and I got a prenatal massage.
I was so excited to get a message (thinking they were going to get all my kinks out) boy was I They couldn't rub my feet either.(WHAT YOU SAY) Yes, I definitly learned. They don't rub ur feet because we have pressure points on the bottom of our feet. I asked if she could rub a lil harder but she told me she couldn't because I could contract early. Who would have known. Even tho it wasn't rough at all it was really nice.
We got a call from the boys that dinner was @ 5 at my place and to not be
I was in tears my lil brother and Dad rearranged my lil apartment bought and set up and decorated my tree and made dinner. I love them they are constantly there for me and mindful of my husband and always make him feel comfortable.  I love the men they are and grateful for them. We ate opened up gifts laughed ate some more and made wonderful memories. This lil girl will be so spoiled but for now I'll be spoiled till she gets here!)


                                                            Thank you alI, love yous!!


So its official I'm REALLY OUT In the begining I couldn't wait to be this BIG and PREGO but w/being BIG comes many back problems, swollen, accidentlly bumpinginto everything, not being able to sleep AT ALL, hard to get up and the list goooooooooooes

I am 36 weeks and have gained 50+ lbs, my baby so far weighs about 8lbs already and the docs are worried baby might be too

Really excited to meet our surprise miracle baby girl, I know daddies still hoping for a BOY..hehehe